The Federal government has been providing suggestions and guidelines for return to work, travel, and daily activities to survive the COVID-19 pandemic – but you’ll find many states have adopted stricter stay-at-home policies for residents in regards to nanny services
These orders generally allow for essential workers to leave home and go to work. An essential worker is defined on an individual state-by-state basis. Still, they encompass typically what the state deems as a business or service that’s vital to ensuring the continuation of baseline services that benefit a community. These services include law enforcement and public safety, food production and distribution, healthcare, and emergency personnel.
Childcare centers and their essential status are determined on a state level. Many states have asked childcare centers to close. In contrast, others allow for a select few to remain open while providing recommendations for safety.
What about nanny services?
In some states, nannies are still allowed. But you need to check with your state and local authorities to determine what the most up-to-date status is regarding the option of nannies.
At the time of writing this article, most states will allow for in-home childcare services (nanny services) to continue. Some states such as California, Connecticut, Louisiana, and Michigan only allow in-home nannies for essential workers. Two states, Nevada and New Mexico, have deemed childcare non-essential unless there is an overriding medical issue.
Again, you need to read your local state requirements and directives. There are a few states that have implemented a stay-in-place order. However, local areas have been given governance to stipulate their own orders depending on the individual community’s needs.
Whether your state has passed “Stay-at-Home” or “Shelter-in-Place” orders, you need to follow their guidelines.
If you have a nanny and you are an essential worker
You should provide a letter to your nanny, including their full name, your full name, your place of employment, and an explanation of how you are an essential worker. This is a precaution in the event your nanny is stopped by police and needs to provide documentation of essential childcare services.
If you have a nanny and they are deemed a non-essential worker
Each employer-employee relationship is unique. If possible, you could offer paid time off to your employees, so they can stay home with their families and take care of their essential needs. You could also talk to your employer and discuss how this executive order is impacting your work hours. Ask for flexibility either by working from home or flexible working hours where you can secure your family in-home care.
If you can’t continue paying your nanny because you are losing your income, have the conversation as soon as possible to let your nanny know. Communicate a specific period to revisit the conversation as conditions change. Situations are shifting rapidly, and you may be able to reinstate or continue at a reduced rate, depending on your circumstances.
Keeping you and your nanny safe
There are several options you must consider during this time.
To add this benefit to your organization, please reach out to Nannies & Kids United at 770-284-6090 or [email protected].