Reasons Why There is a Child Care Shortage

Press Release from Nannies & Kids United - Employer Sponsored Backup Childcare

There is an ever-growing problem with the shortage of quality child care and it’s not going away any time soon. There’s a huge disconnect between parents and child care providers. They need to communicate their expectations and develop a mutual understanding of what is to be expected.


Parents want flexibility, reliability, affordable pricing, and easy pickup options — all of which are things that providers can easily provide if both sides work together. Parents are afraid to ask for things, so building a good relationship with your child care provider is essential.


Parents also want their children to be supervised and engaged when they’re at daycare. Most of the time, the provider has a general idea of what’s going on inside the classroom, but it’s still helpful for parents to give feedback and express concerns when problems arise. Most providers welcome constructive criticism and enjoy getting feedback because it gives them an insight into what both parents and children consider effective learning. The days of chuckling and rolling your eyes at daycare are over.


Providers want happy, healthy children who receive quality care, who are well-behaved, and who come to their class ready to learn. This is a given. Of course, they want that! And this means that providers need the help of parents when it comes to dealing with the challenges their children may be facing at home outside of daycare.


The reason for the daycare shortage is as follow:

1. The cost of child care


Daycare is a huge expense for most families, and many parents can’t afford it. Even if affordability were not an issue, the high cost of care makes it difficult for many families to find quality care for their children. This is especially true in high-cost areas where the cost of living is very high and the family income can be below.


2. The time and effort required to find a good daycare


Finding the right daycare for your child can be a daunting task. There are hundreds of providers in most cities, each offering different qualities and costing different amounts, and it’s unlikely that you’ll stumble across the right place by chance. This means that when you do find a provider willing to take your child, there will never be enough time to spend at their facility to make your choice truly right.


3. The quality of child care


Child care is a very important part of a child’s development, but parents and providers alike often fail to recognize this. Parents may have unrealistic expectations, or they may not have considered what their children need to grow and learn during the day. Providers, for their part, may not have the motivation or training to be the best caretakers.


4. The quality of education


Providers often do not receive adequate training in child development and early childhood education. Therefore, it is difficult for them to know how to manage behavior and teach children about reading, writing, and math. Providers may not know how to hold children’s attention and how to keep them on task. They may not provide a stimulating and safe learning environment.


5. The support of the parents


Some parents simply don’t provide enough support to the daycare providers by communicating their preferences and concerns, asking for feedback, and giving their children the support that they need at daycare. This is frustrating for providers because when parents don’t give them feedback on how to make the experience better, they can’t change their programs to suit their needs.


6. The support of the providers


Some parents don’t show their appreciation for all that the providers have done for their children. They don’t provide them with the information they need to help teach their children or meet their specific goals. This means that the providers can’t make any changes. This makes them feel like they’re not getting enough credit for everything that they do.


7. The lack of education and training in the field


Education is key. Providers who are trained and educated are more likely to take their job seriously. They give your child the best possible care. Providers with a degree or certification can help your child develop social skills, communication skills, math, reading, and much more. However, most states do not require preschool teachers the training or certificates.


8. Parental involvement


Parents should involve themselves in their child’s care and development. Some parents, however, are often too busy to help out at daycare or attend PTA meetings. When parents are involved at the beginning and along the way, providers can more easily reach their goals of helping children grow and learn.


While there are many reasons for the daycare shortage, it’s important to remember that every child care center is a unique experience. Different teachers and caregivers will have different methods for keeping your children safe and happy. Research and ask around about the experiences of other parents, as well as information about their teachers. Also, those who have gone there and are working there now. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.


When you enroll your child in daycare, you must know what to expect. To do this, you need to look at all the details of the provider and of your child care program so that you’re sure you are getting a good fit for both.

To add this benefit to your organization, please reach out to Nannies & Kids United at 770-284-6090 or [email protected].
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