In today’s energy industry, compensation challenges seem to be the largest frown face on the pain chart. Given the dynamic pressures facing boards and management teams, it’s easy to understand why this is the case. Combine a tight labor market, especially for engineering talent in the energy...
At Zayla Partners, we specialize in helping our clients navigate the intricacies of executive and non-executive employee compensation, ensuring their compensation programs are competitive, align with shareholder interests and overall corporate strategy, and consider market best practices and...
Companies transitioning from private to public status typically face the pivotal task of transforming executive compensation structures. This shift is not merely a procedural change but a strategic maneuver to align with public company market norms. The overarching goal is to retain and motivate...
The relationship between CEO pay and company size has been well vetted for many years through statistical research. However, the metric for determining size is critical.
In our latest article we analyzed the top 1,500 public companies over the prior five years to draw correlation conclusions....
In short, the market is volatile and predictions are difficult!
Over the past year, as we have worked with our clients on compensation strategy matters, we have been gathering key insights into what is on the minds of leaders around the US. We have also been busy developing predictive...
Compensation in the nonprofit sector remains a topic of keen interest and occasional debate. Many assume that working for a cause should mean lower salaries and little to no incentive opportunities. However, the reality is that competitive compensation is critical to attracting and retaining...
Executive compensation is a lightning rod discussion topic in the corporate governance world. The discussion and evaluation of the fairness of executive pay practices has ramped up considerably since the arrival of Dodd-Frank, evolving as investor expectations and public issuer disclosure...
In an increasingly competitive job market, the need to attract and retain the best talent is a top priority for any company. In this article we give you a step-by-step guide to conducting a compensation analysis.
The 1st of a multi-part series on what matters in CEO pay!
The rhetoric bouncing around the media is an old notion that the ratio of CEO pay to median or lower paid employees should be a key metric in setting CEO pay. This article tackles that fallacy and sets the stage for what matters in CEO...
For the past 16 years, long-term incentives (LTI) in private companies have significantly increased. According to WorldatWork, the prevalence of LTIs in private companies increased from 35% in 2007 to 62% in 2019. Given the current hyper competitive market combined with volatile macro conditions...
While Pay versus performance disclosures will headline most executive pay stories, the real cruxt of the matter is designing pay + performance programs. Many public, private and not for profit company boards and management are asking how to set pay for stretch and who should design the incentive...
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