Content by Zayla Partners

  • What Matters in CEO Pay?

    The 1st of a multi-part series on what matters in CEO pay! The rhetoric bouncing around the media is an old notion that the ratio of CEO pay to median or lower paid employees should be a key metric in setting CEO pay. This article tackles that fallacy and sets the stage for what matters in CEO...

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  • Long-Term Incentives in Private Companies

    For the past 16 years, long-term incentives (LTI) in private companies have significantly increased. According to WorldatWork, the prevalence of LTIs in private companies increased from 35% in 2007 to 62% in 2019. Given the current hyper competitive market combined with volatile macro conditions...

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  • Incentive Plan Decision Making

    While Pay versus performance disclosures will headline most executive pay stories, the real cruxt of the matter is designing pay + performance programs. Many public, private and not for profit company boards and management are asking how to set pay for stretch and who should design the incentive...

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