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Evaluating pay is no longer a “should do” but has become a “must do.” Most state laws provide broader protection than the federal Equal Pay Act by requiring employers to pay men and women equally for same or substantially similar work. Moreover, many states have expanded fair-pay requirements beyond gender to include race and other protected characteristics. We help organizations identify and fix pay equity gaps within their organization.
Strategically using compensation data to optimize salaries and rewards can help HR positively impact the bottom line while reducing risk by providing employees with fair pay across the organization to increase diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
- We ensure internal equity through in-depth comparison of employee’s salary and indirect compensation data ensure fairness and consistency across levels and job roles.
- We help determine if there a statistically significant pay difference between employees in different protected classes.
- We provide insights into whether there may be employees within your organization that are at higher risk of attrition due to compensation.
- Develop compensation strategies and insights to ensure market competitiveness based on external benchmarks.
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