If your company needs to conduct a workplace investigation, there are several reasons to engage an outsourced investigator rather than try to handle the investigation in-house. Working with an outsourced workplace investigator offers several benefits—including benefits related to the costs, benefits and risks associated with an investigation.
What are some examples of these benefits? Here are five reasons why all companies—regardless of size—should hire an outsourced investigator for their workplace investigations:
Using internal personnel to conduct a workplace investigation presents a risk for perceived bias. Even if the individuals tasked with handling the investigation are fully committed to uncovering and accurately portraying the facts, the perception of bias alone can lead to distrust. With an outsourced workplace investigator, this perceived risk goes away.
Hiring an outsourced workplace investigator also eliminates the risk of actual bias. Whether internal personnel are implicated, have coworkers who are implicated, or mistakenly believe unfavorable facts should be circumvented, the risk of actual bias exists on multiple levels. This is not the case with an outsourced investigator.
At best, a workplace investigation is a distraction. Conducting an investigation takes time, and time is something efficient companies’ personnel simply do not have. Rather than diverting high-level employees’ efforts from their day-to-day job responsibilities, companies can—and should—hire an outsourced workplace investigator so that their employees can remain focused on managing and growing the business.
By their nature, workplace investigations inherently involve risk. The need to conduct a workplace investigation almost always arises out of a complaint or other issue that presents the potential for litigation.
If issues arise during a workplace investigation, this can increase the company’s risk—the opposite of what an investigation should do. For example, if the company’s investigator overlooks relevant facts, the company’s leadership and counsel will not be able to make informed decisions. If the company’s investigator makes other mistakes (i.e., fails to respect an employee’s privacy rights), this can potentially give rise to additional claims against the company. A professional outsourced workplace investigator will know how to avoid these mistakes and ensure the investigation serves—rather than thwarts—its intended purpose. When necessary or desired, we can assign an attorney investigator who can conduct the investigation under the Attorney-Client privilege, keeping the investigation from becoming discoverable.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the simple reality is that most companies do not have internal personnel with the knowledge and insights required to conduct an appropriate investigation. Developing the requisite skills requires extensive training and experience; and, when your company needs to conduct a workplace investigation, it cannot afford to take chances with an inexperienced investigator.
At The AR Group, we rely on decades of experience to conduct effective and efficient workplace investigations for our clients. To inquire about our services, please call 720-452-3300 or get in touch online today.