DeGarmo Unveils 2019 Dashboard Update

Press Release from DeGarmo



Make intelligent talent decisions with DeGarmo’s new dashboard update.

BLOOMINGTON, IL— January 2019 - The talent management company DeGarmo, has unveiled their newly updated smart platform to its clients this week.

DeGarmo is starting the new year with a completely redesigned talent platform—from mobile optimized assessments to a new recruiter dashboard. The innovations in the 2019 release were created to help their clients make smarter, faster talent decisions. New controls allow its users to rank, evaluate and create short lists of high potential candidates so you never lose sight of your top prospects. You can create interview guides with points-and-clicks and generate custom analytic reports and access the data you need in seconds.

The idea for the update was derived from the desire to give clients a more user-friendly platform they can custom tailor to fit their needs. “We wanted to improve the end-to-end experience for anyone connected to the DeGarmo talent platform. From job candidates to hiring managers and everyone in between.” according to Anthony Adorno, Director of Consulting Services at DeGarmo. “The platform has been reinvented with great new technology, insightful reporting and other cool features to help make your job easier.”

For more information about the platform update, we invite you to join our free webinar January 23 – 1:00 pm CST or January 31 – 11:00 am CST.

About DeGarmo: DeGarmo is a recruitment, assessment and consulting organization. DeGarmo helps organizations identify the best talent in less time through recruitment optimization, superior assessments, and predictive analytics. Our solutions provide the talent intelligence you need to make better selection decisions, support effective coaching, and drive the development of your people.

For more information contact DeGarmo at [email protected] or visit

Media Contact:

Tracy Hafner
[email protected]


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