Monster Government Solutions

8280 Greensboro Drive - Ste. 900
McLean, VA 22102

About Monster Government Solutions

Monster Government Solutions (a division of Monster Worldwide, the industry leader in online recruitment) provides digital workforce management products and services that organizations use to Find, Recruit, and Develop their workforces. Customers use these solutions to augment their recruiting processes and increase the quantity and quality of applicants for their openings. Specifically, our solutions help organizations:
- find/recruit candidates with highly competitive technical skills and certifications
- reduce costs of finding/recruiting/classifying/staffing workforce with automated digital solutions
- promote organizational mission and job openings to candidates with desired skills nationwide
- introduce STEM, Veteran and diversity candidates to internships and entry level positions
- increase applications from diversity and Veteran candidates
- help individuals, teams, and organizations perform better together through adopting new identity, diversity, and inclusion principles

Competitors of Monster Government Solutions

HR Unlimited, Inc.

HR Unlimited, Inc.

HR Unlimited, Inc. (HRU) is a premier consulting firm that specializes in affirmative action outsourcing services, EEOC complaint resolution, Compensation Administration, and interim HR outsourcing. HR Unlimited’s proven strategies have streamlined the process of Affirmative Action Plan... Read More



Tesseon has been a trusted partner for companies of all sizes, empowering them to reach new heights of success for over 30 years. With a focus on fostering growth and supporting the journey of each individual within an organization, we provide a comprehensive framework that enables our clients... Read More

HR Partner

HR Partner

HR Partner is a complete HR software system for small and mid-sized companies. Most of our clients have between 20 and 500 employees. For these companies, large HRIS platforms are too expensive and focus on the wrong features. HR Partner is passionate about helping small and medium businesses... Read More