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We provide support — before, during, and after litigation. Our team of Industrial Organizational Psychologists and Labor Economists support law firms by performing a wide variety of services.
{Expert Witness Services}
Testifying Work: To conduct a thorough evaluation of tools, policies and procedures being challenged in litigation, DCI consultants will analyze organizational policies and procedures, depositions, research studies, and other relevant information. In some situations, DCI I/O Psychologists may conduct independent research as well as research related to job analysis, job-relatedness, psychometrics, adverse impact. DCI Experts can also objectively evaluate the work of other experts, and write rebuttal reports. Testifying experts provide deposition and court testimony.
Consulting Work: Needed in a non-testifying role, we’ll work with law firms as consulting experts.
We offer:
• Review of recruitment and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Compliance
• Job analysis
• Evaluation of HR processes (hiring, promotion, performance measurement)
• Validation research
• Analysis of workforce data
{Post-Litigation Services}
Remedial Work: Our expert staff have been selected as the post-settlement experts on a wide variety of matters. When an EEO trial ends or an organization settles an EEO claim, there are often remedial dimensions of the agreement that must be addressed. As jointly-appointed experts, our experts work to meet the requirements of the settlement agreement.
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