
Excel Employee Leave Tracker

Excel Employee Leave Tracker will save your company

3476 Seymour Avenue, Apt 4B
Bronx, NY 10469

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About Excel Employee Leave Tracker

Excel Employee Leave Tracker saves time and money by automating employee information and leave details using the newest Excel functions, macros, visual basic for applications, and formulas. Our customizable templates utilize the client’s existing HRIS export files and vendor reports* to provide an accurate enrollment and record-keeping process. We also provide your HR team with innovative leave management templates for both Microsoft and Google platforms. With smart drop-down menus, pop-up reminders along with managerial charts/graphics, and analytical pivot tables, your leave team will be able to stay ahead of your company’s needs!

Products by Excel Employee Leave Tracker

By Excel Employee Leave Tracker

Excel Employee Leave Tracker

Using other third party software is an expensive and time-consuming learning process by remembering passwords & protocols. Plus, your team most likely download reports into an Excel spreadsheet anyway! With Excel Employee Tracker, the cost and learning curve are drastically reduced! Plus, with... Read more »

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