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Over the past 20 years we developed-refined-validated an inventory of science-based assessment-development tools that improve how managers and HR pros hire-develop-engage-coach-manage talent. Our collection of talent management solutions is organized into 7 distinct technologies described in... Read more »
Our 5 Levels of Measurement technology diagnoses root causes of human talent and performance. We designed or can access hundreds of assessments for 1) Trait - motives, personality, aptitude, 2) Preferences - thinking patterns, 3) Values - beliefs about how life works, 4) Skills - know-how,... Read more »
7-Step Coaching is an individual leadership development process that runs 3, 6, or 9 months depending on each participant's strengths, learning needs, and which coaching interventions will best answer issues raised by our battery of diagnostic assessments. Based on '10 Golden Principles' our... Read more »
Work-Life Analytics software consolidates data from a broad range of assessment-development resources to serve a wide range of practical uses: 1) analyzing learning priorities, 2) diagnosing performance problems, 3) assessing promotion readiness, 4) performance management, and 5) talent... Read more »
Domains of Genius are narrow bands of exceptional capability that enable otherwise 'ordinary' people to quickly-easily learn certain tasks and consistently excel in them. Every employee has 'domain-specific genius', so if you look for it with the right tools you'll find it and see ways to... Read more »
ABC Time Machine is a collection of tools that help people better use-manage-invest their time by providing these 3 user-friendly learning and self-management tools: 1) Survey of Time Management habits, 2) Guidelines to Prioritize work tasks 3) Worksheets to Schedule-organize time... Read more »
Learning Matrix matches a person's assessed development needs to an array of up to 25 alternative learning solutions progressively organized into 6 learning solution categories and sorted by simpler, lower-cost choices to costly, sophisticated ones that include: 1) Discover Standards -Choices,... Read more »
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