Capa Talent

1150 First Ave., Suite 501
King of Prussia, PA 19406

About Capa Talent

Capa Talent is an innovative, cutting edge web-based company that specializes in
helping companies and HR departments successfully navigate through the difficult
challenges encountered when acquiring new talent to work in the office or
work remotely. Capa Talent also provides Outplacement Services to help companies
provide employees who are leaving with a smooth and positive transition experience.

There is a growing demand and acute shortage of talent. The Gig Economy, globalization,
and rapidly evolving technology that efficiently connects remote workers to companies
located anywhere in the world are having a dramatic impact on how companies approach
recruiting top talent to fill key positions. Many companies are starting to realize that tapping
into the remote global workforce and hiring remote workers is key to solving the recruiting
challenges they are facing.

Competitors of Capa Talent

Capa Talent

Capa Talent is an innovative, cutting edge web-based company that specializes in helping companies and HR departments successfully navigate through the difficult challenges encountered when acquiring new talent to work in the office or work remotely. Capa Talent also provides Outplacement... Read More

Products by Capa Talent

By Capa Talent

Our outplacement services help your company professionally manage the transition process that your employees go through when unexpectedly leaving the company for a variety of reasons; we help to ensure that they can smoothly and successfully transition into a new career opportunity. Capa Talent... Read more »

By Capa Talent

Capa Talent can help your company fill the talent gap and be more competitive in your industry by hiring remote workers. Presently, 43% of all U.S. workers are working remotely to some degree and that number is expected to grow - especially with the COVID-19 crisis that the U.S. and the world... Read more »

By Capa Talent

Capa Talent can help you hire the most qualified candidates for jobs at all levels, including senior executive positions. When you work with Capa Talent for your talent acquisition needs, we connect you with top talent via our proprietary customized, flexible, transparent and collaborative... Read more »

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